Believe it or not, credit history has a huge impact on your overall credit score. It comes in third place right after payment history and amount owed. As you can see, if you want to keep your credit score, you can’t ignore this important factor. Here’s how you can score high in this very important…
The amount of time you’ve had credit makes a difference in your credit score. In fact, after payment history and amounts owed, length of credit history is the most influential part of your FICO score. Length of credit history means… Age of your oldest credit account Age of your newest credit account…
There are several things that can hurt your credit score. Unpaid collection accounts, past due accounts, and short credit history are some of the few. But there are some things that people think will damage their credit score, but won’t. Here are three total myths people erroneously think will damage their credit score: Checking…
Ever wonder how your credit score is calculated? Although many companies are can gather your credit history and produce your credit score, there one major kind of credit score most lenders refer and that’s your FICO score. FICO scores range anywhere between 300 - which is really poor and 850 - which is really great.…
Ever wonder how your credit score is calculated? Although many companies are can gather your credit history and produce your credit score, there one major kind of credit score most lenders refer and that’s your FICO score. FICO scores range anywhere between 300 - which is really poor and 850 - which is really great.…
In part 1 and part 2 of Common Credit Card Questions People Wonder About, we covered various topics ranging from cosigning and interest fees to annual fees and debt elimination. In the final installment, we’re going to cover three more issues people wonder about. Is it a good idea to carry a balance? You should…
The internet is full of information about credit cards, yet people still wonder what the best choice is for them. In Part 1 of Common Credit Card Questions People Wonder About, we went over whether card holders should close out accounts or ditch cards with annual fees. In part 2, we’ll cover more questions people…
No matter how much information is out there about credit cards, there still seems to be many unanswered questions people have about them. Here are 3 common credit card questions people wonder about: Should I get a card with an annual fee? - Because there are so many awesome fee-free credit cards on the…
Wondering how many credit cards you should have? Well, that depends on who you ask. Some financial experts say zero….as in none. Others say as many as you can handle. However, the question may not be how many you can handle, but more so what kinds of cards you should carry. Co-founder of, Adam…
Though they may be too young to have a credit score, parents should be proactive about checking their child’s credit report. Kids can easily become victims of identity theft and if not monitored, the scam against them can go on for years before anyone ever notices it. One red flag to look out for would…